Posada Siglo XX

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Surrounded by a beautiful and attractive natural environment on the north shore of Laguna del Sauce, Posada Siglo XX is a perfect place to rest. Guests can relax and enjoy a room full of history 10 minutes away from the sea and 20 minutes from the city center.

You’ll find a comfortable place to stay, with personal attention and food from the countryside. La Posada Siglo XX is located within an area of ​​66 hectares (Estancia Siglo XX), on National Route 9.

La Posada Siglo XX is a place full of history. In the early twentieth century diligences stopped there to change horses and allow passengers to relax. Today, the place maintains the spirit of the past and a museum of all this items used at the time.

Within the campus is the largest alpaca farm in the Mercosur.


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